
Late afternoon sunlight filters through the naked windows, and the dust motes floating lazily give the empty living room a hazy air. It looks emptier now than it did a week ago. Then, you would have found a bean bag or two tossed in a corner, a make shift table, and shoes everywhere. Now crushed … Continue reading Nesting

Cutting tomatoes

Prim and preened, she sat on a stool in her uncles' living room while her relatives joked about her future "prospects". Her eyes never left the grandfather clock, standing proudly over the family, passed down for 5 generations, her uncle liked to boast. She smiled languidly when they tried to involve her. She ignored her … Continue reading Cutting tomatoes

The thought crossed his mind as he glanced at the crowds milling below him. A sheer drop, if that didn't kill the boy, the ensuing clamour definitely would. He could still hear the dying notes of euphoric song as he held the prince above his head, golden sunshine illuminating the two of them. An auspicious … Continue reading

The bombings

It's another story that I wrote when I was in school. My teacher said that it was good too soooo. Also apparently I used 'Panem' to name my fictitious city. Soooo. I did that a lot when I was a kid, using popular names from books for my stories. This is not affiliated to The … Continue reading The bombings

The voices in my head whisper to me. Sometimes, they whisper fairy tales, of once upon a times. They fill my head with strange tales and creatures I've never heard of before. Sometimes, I write down what they tell me. I do that now. I put my pen to paper and write down their secrets. … Continue reading

I was clearing out my papers when the photo fluttered out. It took me a few minutes to recognize it. Almost immediately, I regretted the big breakfast I'd had. The mystery I'd never solved. I sat down behind my empty desk and studied it again, for the millionth time. The photo was old and blurry … Continue reading

It's Friendship Day here today and I've been rather rudely awakened by all the commotion around me. One of the disadvantages of living in the vicinity of flighty, juvenile girls. The entire concept is rather middle school, as I would say to my best friend if she were here right now. I could almost imagine … Continue reading